short review of three articles describes the main problems of
biodiversity conserving. The “hotspot method” shows that this
approach have more disadvantages than benefits. This method selects
the limited spectrum of species only from terrestrial vertebrates and
vascular plants of region that have endemic status and ignores all
other species. The method from second article (the method of
terrestrial ecozones) is much more objective, but not solves the
question for aquatic ecosystems. Furthermore, in the map developed by
authors ignored the existing of coastal ecosystems. The main problem
of biodiversity conservation is determined a bit by Bjørn Lomborg.
In his book “The Skeptical Environmentalist” He gives good point
that we cannot properly know how many species really are.
the human progress, anthropogenic pressure to the Earth becomes
higher and higher. This pressure causes much of phenomenons that
force wildlife species extinction. In parallel with increasing of
this pressure, during many years environmental scientists try to
develop methods to save species and communities. However, number of
scientist are very often equally to the number of methods that they
are propose. Almost all of these are unique and good-looking, but
sometimes noone can be used effectively because of broad spectrum of
causes. In this review I will try to accent your attention on
problems that I have found in three publications: “Biodiversity
hotspots for conservation priorities”, “Terrestrial Ecoregions of
the World”, “The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real
State of the World . Ch.23. Biodiversity”.
the conservation studies were created two different paradigms of
biodiversity measuring. The first of these two is based on counting
of species number, second paradigm based on systematizing of
biodiversity clusters. Both have own benefits and disadvantages. In
the article named “Biodiversity hotspots for conservation
priorities”, group of scientists show serious forces to develop
conservation framework based on selecting regions with maximum
concentration of unique endemic species. In second article, that
named “Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World”, scientists try to
develop conservation framework with ecoregions map. Third article,
that factually is Bjørn Lomborg`s book chapter, is a critique of
classic bioconservation scientists and showing the disadvantages of
evaluation methods.
first article, scientists made huge accent on the number of endemic
species and made the map of 25 biodiversity hotspots. Each hotspot
must consist at least 0,5 % world`s species as endemics and should
have lost 70 % or more of its primary vegetation. In sum that 25
hotspots consists near 35 % vertebrate and 44 % of vascular plants.
At first sight everything in this method is logic: places with
maximum amount of endemic species must be saved first (500 million $
annual dotation per one point, by the all), but this hotspot method
has a lot of problems. First of them is that endemic species list is
not identically for each other country, territory of which hotspot
covered. Concentration of species can be other by location. Io one
country this specific specie can be endemic, in other country it can
be the simple specie that just usual specie. Overall, problem consist
in the fact that not each species that even be on Earth have been
discovered and described as endemics or not. That’s mean that this
method representative only for properly discovered and described
and more serious problem is that this 35 % of vertebrates include
only high animals lake a mammals, birds and amphibian animals. This
method ignores not only microbiota but also insects and fishes. 44 %
of vascular plants forced to ask a question “why only vascular
plants?” Are unique species of lichen and moss can’t be endemic
or mustn’t to be saved at all? Considering the air pollution
tendencies, exactly lichen and moss suffering first.
article shows a framework based on Earth zonation by biomes and
biogeographic realms. This method gives widely sight on biodiversity
conservation principles. The group of scientists made review of
existing biogeographic maps with hi-resolution of ecoregions and
proposed their own variant of such map: separate terrestrial world
onto 8 biogeographic regions and 14 main biomes. Combination of this
8 and 14 gives 112 potential ecoregions with own complex of treats
and unique variants of conservation. So broad zonation helps with
classification that can show specific and unique zones that can be
unique. The main disadvantage of ecoregion method is a difficulty
with ocean zonation, as long as ecozones in oceans situated not in 2
dimensions but in 3. Furthermore, new and optimized map of scientists
developed on other`s map base, but after optimization new map has
lost the coastal ecological zones.
third article Bjørn Lomborg gives constructive critic to apocalyptic
posts of classicists with predictions. Especially he appellate to
Mayer’s declamation that every year extents near 40 000
species, which he does in 1979. Author also make trying to
determinate the real amount the annual extinction and make a
conclusion that real extinction now is near to 0,7 % per 50 years.
we can see after analyzing of these 3 articles, the main problem of
biodiversity conserving is that nobody know completely how many
species and communities really are, and nobody know completely, which
of them really extinct. That’s why so difficult to determine the
priorities in case of biodiversity conserving. Moreover, such method
as “hotspots” can`t make the real objective evaluation because it
makes conclusion only by concentration of terrestrial vertebrates and
vascular plants species that have a label “endemic”, without
taking the attention to other species that can be unique. Both of
described methods accents the attention on the unique concentration
of biodiversity as like as on object to save, but noone solves the
problem of single unique species that can extinct too.
the better way to solve the biodiversity extinction problem is to use
or develop the new approach that will based not only on the
biodiversity conservation or biocenosis uniqueness but on zonation of
anthropogenic pressure. This strategy is useful to save at first the
live objects and ecosystems that in process of extinction.
1. Norman
Myers et al. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities
Nature 403, 853-858 (24 February 2000)].
2. David
M. Olson et al. Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World: A New Map
of Life on Earth
BioScience. Vol. 51 No. 11,2001. P. 933-938].
3. Bjørn
Lomborg. The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real
State of the World . Ch.23. Biodiversity.
University Press , 2001].
P.S. sorry for my English :D
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